Runes Integration
Bridge API documentation

Bridge API Documentation

The Utu Runes Bridge API provides endpoints for managing Runes deposits and withdrawals between Bitcoin and Starknet. This documentation covers the available endpoints and their usage.

Base URL

Response Format

All API responses follow a consistent format:

    "status": "success | error_type",
    "data": <response_data>


  • status: Either "success" or an error type like "bad_request"
  • data: The response data, which can be a string, object, or array depending on the endpoint


Generate Deposit Address

GET /get_bitcoin_deposit_addr?starknet_addr={address}

Generates a unique Bitcoin deposit address for your Starknet wallet. This address is deterministically generated and permanently linked to your Starknet address.


  • starknet_addr (required): Your Starknet wallet address


    "status": "success",
    "data": "bc1p..."

Query Deposits by Bitcoin Address

GET /get_deposits/bitcoin?bitcoin_addr={address}

Retrieves all Runes deposits made from a specific Bitcoin address (e.g., your Xverse wallet address).


  • bitcoin_addr (required): Bitcoin wallet address


    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "pending": [
                "txid": "...",
                "block_height": 123456,
                "block_hash": "...",
                "timestamp": 1234567890,
                "runes": [
                        "id": "...",
                        "amount": "...",
                        "claimed": false
        "confirmed": [...],
        "claimed": [...]

Query Deposits by Starknet Address

GET /get_deposits/starknet?starknet_addr={address}

Retrieves all Runes deposits associated with a Starknet address.


  • starknet_addr (required): Starknet wallet address


Same structure as the Bitcoin deposits endpoint.

Get Claim Data

POST /claim_deposit_data

Retrieves the data required to claim a specific deposit on Starknet.

Request Body

    "starknet_addr": "0x123...",
    "tx_id": "abcd1234...",
    "tx_vout": 0  // optional


  • starknet_addr (required): Your Starknet wallet address
  • tx_id (required): Bitcoin transaction ID of the deposit
  • tx_vout (optional): The specific output index in the transaction


    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "rune_id": "0x123...",  // FieldElement
        "amount": ["0x456...", "0x789..."],  // Tuple of two FieldElements
        "target_addr": "0xabc...",  // Starknet Address
        "tx_id": "abcd1234...",  // Bitcoin transaction ID
        "sig": {  // Signature
            "r": "0xdef...",
            "s": "0x012..."

Status Codes and Error Handling

The API uses standard HTTP status codes along with the consistent response format:

    "status": "<status_type>",
    "data": "<message>"

Status types:

  • success: Request completed successfully (HTTP 200)
  • error: Generic error response
  • unauthorized: Authentication required or failed (HTTP 401)
  • forbidden: Permission denied (HTTP 403)
  • not_found: Requested resource doesn't exist (HTTP 404)
  • bad_request: Invalid parameters or request format (HTTP 400)
  • internal_server_error: Server-side error (HTTP 500)

Example error response:

    "status": "internal_server_error",
    "data": "Hiro API error: error sending request for url (...)"

Rate Limiting

The API implements rate limiting to ensure fair usage. Please contact support if you need increased limits.

Security Considerations

While this API manages bridge operations, it does not have custody of the deposited bitcoins. The actual funds are controlled by a federation through a separate multisig setup.